Barewire Ltd - Scam - Microsoft Community

barewire ltd company presents legitimate independent online technical service support repairing , protecting computers malware , viruses infections.  in reality big time , sophisticated scam!  people need aware, avoid , report company authorities once tries contact you.  victim , share own experience.

their operation works in 3 phases had experienced scam.  note other past victims may have different experience on how barewire ltd got them scam same... steal money!

phase 1:  

i typed in google search on windows address field google search engine.  list of google related links came up.  unknowingly, clicked thought google search website fake link.  screen popped-up warning.  @ time windows frozen , locked up.  see screen shot.

 [- microsoft system security alert.  oops went wrong computer.  website have visited may have downloaded malware , virus on window system.  microsoft suspicious windows security system. tcp connection blocked windows security system.  windows , chrome has been locked until may hear fix issue.  please contact microsoft windows desk.  customer support:  +1-844-232-4818 (toll-free)]

when called tel# listed on screen, man asian indian voice answered.  claimed employee of microsoft , member of windows desk.   said lot of things convince me legit.  requested access computer telling me how temporarily unlock screen , loaded teamviewer application gain permission , access pc.  watched screen, performed quick diagnostics show screen report of how malware , viruses have infected computer.  "threats detected:  1844."

he said serious infection.  offered solutions based on 3 levels of service support.  see screen shot.  obviously, wants me pick expensive option selected 1-yr plan $349.99.  have been $449.99 gave me senior discount of $99.99.  nice guy! :)  

once confirmed choice, said microsoft works trusted 3rd party company performs services malware , viruses cleanup, protection , maintenance of computer.  company barewire ltd. [website:]

phase 2:

he asked me stay on line while forwarded me tel#, supposedly barewire ltd accounting dept.  gave credit card account#.  once paid, got forwarded tel#.  here guy asian indian accent again took control of computer , did lot of manipulations on windows program.   once said cleanup completed, asked me type in several of websites visit make sure fine.  did internet connection speed test , seemed normal.  pleased , thankful work can go work.  said can call barewire toll-free 24/7 whenever have problems need support.  received emails barewire confirming service agreement, invoice, etc.  appeared legitimate operation.

phase 3:

three weeks service agreement, computer seems work did call internet service provider's internet security dept, telling me ip address used hack other ip addresses.  advised update wifi passwords , regularly run anti-virus scan.  here remembered barewire tech removed mcaffee antivirus sw because said barewire better in protecting pc.  

almost month agreement, received call guy introduced  himself employee of microsoft , asked if support got barewire has been satisfactory.  said yes.  sounded same guy talked first time gave me different employee name can recall.  said microsoft offering additional refund of $149.99 senior citizens part of service program.  service cost me $200.  said great.  in order me receive refund, wants me allow him again access computer opening teamviewer program.  once had access, said refund can done directly bank bank.  wants me log in bank account thru website.  started raise red flags , sirens in brain.   told him not comfortable doing said not worry because microsoft time , works banks globally.  hesitantly, did log in acct.   took on mouse , clicked 'transfer tab' see bank options there.  while doing this, asks me if see blank screen.  said no , can see bank site.  clicked open tab on website.  apparently hide view of main bank screen.  used mouse click bank site.  here asked me annoying voice of doing?  told him not comfortable doing , should mail me refund.  tried hard convince not worry time concerns on heightened alert process not right.  closed down window , turned off teamviewer.  @ point true intentions unmasked , warned me if don't login again lose money in bank account!  told him nothing scam artist , hang phone.  

immediately changed bank passwords using smartphone.  disconnected laptop , brought nearest local computer services store have them check malware , viruses.  called me next day , confirmed infected malware , needs cleanup.  therefore, paid barewire $349.99 adding more malware computer.  , still not satisfied, wants pullout money bank account!

i called chase credit card company's fraud department report scam.  told story , want money back.  chase specialist called barewire reverse payment. 

although nothing stolen bank, stressful experience have been major financial disaster me lose money in bank account if did not act enough.  decided share experience on website report incident federal authorities... ftc.  scam company investigated , closed permanently.

dear customer,

before explanation , inform refund of 349.99 has been completed our end few days ago.

interesting part of  your baseless accusation " my computer seems work did call internet service provider's internet security dept, telling me ip address used hack other ip addresses.  advised update wifi passwords , regularly run anti-virus scan." out of blue call internet service provider internet security dept. (there no such department in internet service provider) , realized 1 scamming ?? fact rather checking authenticity of called security department call , trusted them blindly , started sending abusive emails. on multiple failed attempts our end reach out clarify that no internet company call pro actively , advise you update wifi password .  you not avoided our call went ahead , fell refund scam.  please tell if computer working fine , had no issue why want partial refund microsoft after knowing if paid barewire why microsoft refund anything. barewire has noting microsoft gives idea microsoft will refund 149.99 usd. should have been enough reg flags you. not become greedy naive enough give them access. educate out customer not give access on incoming call no matter company caller claiming to from. our greed takes on , tend make mistakes likes , hold others responsible it.  you spoke scammer claimed microsoft , offered money, took bait , tried scam you, come picture here ?? because he used our name , believed ? why did not verify call calling on our tollfree ??  why accepted refund if knew never call our customers , offer refund. 

just because have asian accent enough consider scam ?  lets face fact let scammer access machine , took frustration out on us. hope make smarter choice in future not letting happen you. 

Windows / Windows 10 / Security & privacy / PC


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