again and again start menu partialy lost - Microsoft Community
this morning windows 10 asked reboot ending last cumulatives patches installation kb4013418 , kb40134.
after reboot menu entry linked windows store missing , icon on menu right side.
i don't remember how manytimes had reinstall windows 10 or redo menu structure , occurs on pc after patch installation
or randomly.
the powershell command
get-appxpackage -allusers | foreach {add-appxpackage -disabledevelopmentmode -register "$($_.installlocation)\appxmanifest.xml"
create store entries menu , not menu structure itself, customisation lost.
i didn't found answer microsoft on how backup , restore menu structure when occurs. of corse will beter if ms engineers can fixe recurent issue!!!! solution?
if found windows 10 interface interesting, time lost in bugs (file lost, corruption of data, menu) impressive !!! productivity fails more 10% since forced upgrate
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