morning logged onto face book (something do) caught alert appeared come microsoft windows. convincing window alerting me virus found on laptop. regrettably responded , called number shown. asked name , told microsoft needed access computer eliminate threat. asked press "control + r" keys , enter following text, "iexplore" ignorantly did. gave him remote access laptop. moved cursor bit , circled few programs stopped. said, can fix this. cost $599.00. @ point hung phone , turned off laptop. late. cannot access computer longer. have no idea do. if knew, old man on limited income without ability pay whatever repairs or replacement costs. please! don't let happen you! can ask myself "what can do". answer prevent happening others. please tell friends , family... wolf @ door.
do have backup of data?
a little trick; copy download folder, if have not cleaned out, thumb drive, after reinstalling windows 10 can use downloaded files reinstall programs without searching internet , download them again.
use media creation tool reinstall windows 10. clean install. ie custom install , when pick system partition click on format before installing.
Windows / Windows 10 / Security & privacy / PC
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