i able upgrade win 10 anniversary edition. version 10.0.15063 build 15063.
i have problems eyes , have needed customize font sizes of menu's, icons etc..
there used setting on display, in win 10 previous anniversary editions, change font type , size of items. no longer available on build. thing can change entire screen size specified percentage, not need.
i need able change text size , font menu's, icons, etc.
can please me access these settings again.
it if put them on display / advanced settings again.
this not like, eyes need able adjust this, adjusting whole screen makes else big.
please help.
as mentioned on our first reply, feature turned off because of compatibility concern throughout entire system. example, didn’t work start menu, cortana, edge, , applications. if you're using third party application workaround, can use have settings allow set menu or title's text size. can access feedback hub application if want suggest change text size feature added again in windows 10. can access application searching using cortana.
Windows / Windows 10 / Desktop, Start, & personalization / PC
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