Advanced sizing of text ... gone with Creators Update ?! - Microsoft Community

does know "advanced sizing of text , other items" display settings gone ? cannot find anywhere , need windows have bigger fonts (and don't want scale everything, size of text). if it's gone creators update, way dumb move, there other way make changes ? need change settings 9pt 10pt. perhaps registry hack or ?

thanks in advance.

***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.***


the “change text size” option turned off in windows 10 creators update. unfortunately, setting not supported throughout entire system. example, didn’t work start menu, cortana, edge , applications. 

for alternative method of changing text size, can use the scale , layout options within settings > display. use dropdown under “change size of text, apps, , other items” make things bigger or smaller.

if you’d prefer text, apps, , other items bigger or smaller, click the custom scaling feature go outside ranges windows recommends hardware’s screen size , resolution.

if text looks fuzzy or blurry when use custom scaling, might happen if custom size not set 25% increment. example, if custom scaling set 157%, try changing 150% or 175%.

note: microsoft recommends keeping display resolution set “recommended” value. if use custom scaling go outside range windows recommends, text, apps, , other items may become unreadable. if you’re not able read screen enough restore display settings, try starting narrator pressing windows logo key + ctrl+ enter. press tab navigate through interface until find right option restoring display settings.

you can find more information at making windows easier see.

feel free contact if need further assistance.

Windows / Windows 10 / Desktop, Start, & personalization / PC


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