have searched long find solution this, no avail. trying small python script shortcut onto desktop can run instead of going folder it. have desktop icons set in order , have them set not auto-rearrange when turn pc on , such things that. when moved shortcut little area of miscellaneous stuff such it, took row , pushed way right, cramping corner , messing when never wanted that, wanted put icon in 1 place. restarted computer , did nothing, can put icons 1 1 , when go move python shortcut, screws again. when put icon area (which call death spots), same thing. these death spots change , , never predictable it'll each time, icons right, move shortcut , messes up, maybe time have 5 of them right, recycling bin or messes in random area. have newest version of windows 10 , pc isn't old, made in january of year, can't seem think of issue causing this.
hi john,
highly suggest sharing insight regarding issue sending your feedback using
feedback hub app can downloaded store.
feel free post again if have other concerns.
Windows / Windows 10 / Desktop, Start, & personalization / PC
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