Brightness Problems - Creators Update [Desktop] - Microsoft Community

i've downloaded / installed new update windows 10, , ever problems have shown themselves.

when open / close apps (not tied opening or closing) games left monitor's brightness drops dramatically, isn't screen problem built on menu fine in brightness department.

the possible fix i've found restart pc, doesn't take long it's high grade desktop, still avoid this. should add restarting doesn't fix it, hasn't last 2 times.

here windows build:

i'm running troubleshooter now, let know outcome.

edit - no problems found, when using administrator permissions.

edit 2 - i've managed fix problem downloading / enabling program called f.lux - i've disabled windows 10 new night light (i tried without f.lux , didn't fix problem)

Windows / Windows 10 / Desktop, Start, & personalization / PC


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