i've been browsing number of posts , none of them quite situation.
yesterday, during game, acer laptop n series decided freeze. performed emergency shutdown , turned on. appeared in first few instances screen had windows logo , buffering logo. few restarts later, moves onto solution attempt says "repairing disk errors, may take on hour" in few hours later, restarts , moves onto screen "scanning , repairing drive (c:): 0%" few more hours.
after sometime, blue screen appear haven't had chance catch information stated. then, whole process starts again.
any suggestions on how solve welcomed , i'll supply more information if needed.
start laptop, after manufacturers logo disappears , windows 10 tries boot, press , hold power button down 5 - 10 seconds perform hard shut down
do twice
on third boot attempt, windows boot windows 10 repair environment, there can access startup recovery, safe mode, command prompt . . . etc
to stop repeated disk checking, go troubleshoot - advanced options - command prompt
enter command (replacing c drive letter of disk being scanned) , hit enter
chkntfs /x c:
unplug usb devices, wireless mouse receiver , reboot
if windows not start normally, repeat process enter windows recovery environment , see if have restore point can revert system - troubleshoot - advanced options - system restore
if not have restore point, try safe mode option - troubleshoot - advanced options - startup settings, reboot , press 4
i hope helps!
Windows / Windows 10 / Performance & system failures / PC
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